Thursday, November 5, 2020

Published: Medical Marijuana Can Help Treat Migraines

I published “Medical Marijuana Can Help Treat Migraines” on @Medium

Two Ways Marijuana Can Help Manage Migraines


Friday, October 2, 2020

Published: Medical Marijuana — What It Treats

I published “Medical Marijuana — What It Treats” on @Medium

An Overview of Cannabinoids and Their Medical Effects

With over 15 years of medical practice experience, Dr. Kevin McKee is an orthopedic surgeon with board certification. Based in Ohio, he is also fellowship-trained in sports medicine. Kevin Mckee currently works with OhioMed, a medical marijuana recommendation practice.

Cannabinoids are compounds found in marijuana that contain active chemicals that give marijuana its characteristic effect. These chemicals include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the chemical known to produce the euphoric high seen in recreational users of marijuana. On the other hand, CBD is known for its therapeutic effects, including its ability to reduce pain and anxiety.

There are several kinds of cannabinoids in cannabis, with over 100 identified by scientists. Among the varieties of cannabinoids include THC and CBD mentioned above, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabigerol (CBG).

THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids commonly used in medical practice. THC, for example, relieves pain and inflammation, reduces nausea, and increases appetite in people affected by AIDS and cancer. On the other hand, CBD alleviates pain and inflammation, helps control seizures in children with epilepsy, and treats mental illnesses and disorders. Several ongoing clinical tests are studying cannabinoids for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, substance use disorders, and multiple sclerosis. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Published: Positive Effects of Medical Marijuana

I published “Positive Effects of Medical Marijuana” on @Medium

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Process Behind Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Certification

Dr. Kevin McKee advocates the use of medical marijuana in place of opioids for the treatment of some medical ailments. To further this objective, Dr. Kevin McKee recently opened Ohiomed, a medical marijuana certification company that legally helps patients who need its use for medical reasons.

Obtaining a medical marijuana certification is a requirement to prevent the arrest from Federal security authorities who still see marijuana as a psychotic drug while enabling the purchase of marijuana from dispensaries within the certification area. It is available in the 33 states that allow the use of legal marijuana. To get certified, the patient must have a medical condition that warrants the use of medical marijuana. The approved medical conditions differ among the 33 states but are mostly ailments that require the use of opioids and terminal health conditions.

The certification process starts with a physical and medical records assessment from a doctor, certified for this purpose by the State health authorities. . After determining the patient has a qualifying condition, the health provider then sends the signed recommendation on behalf of the patient to the State health authorities. After vetting it, the board approves or denies the application and communicates its decision to the patient. The patient then registers with the health authorities to get the medical marijuana certificate, which is usually in card form.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Published: About OhioMed Marijuana Certification Services

I published “About OhioMed Marijuana Certification Services” on @Medium